Editorial Policies

    Ownership, Funding Info, and Advertising Policy

    Europe Travel Insider is owned and operated by Sherpa Way Group. For more information, visit:

    The vast majority of revenue that Sherpa Way Group generates is from programmatic advertising through respected ad platforms such as Google. As such, the Sherpa Way Group editorial staff is not influenced by direct sales opportunities with brands or advertisers. The editorial staff is also not involved in operating the programmatic advertising business, making them independent of significant revenue-generating activity. As our editorial staff is not involved in the ad experience, these ads do not reflect the views of Sherpa Way Group and do not impact our coverage here at Europe Travel Insider. 

    However, our operations team is very focused on maintaining a high standard of quality. In the event our sales team closes an advertising campaign, affiliate link, or sponsorship, the posts will be clearly labeled with a disclosure statement. Our staff follows a thorough ethics policy which governs our objectivity and limits this influence.

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    Mission Statement

    At Europe Travel Insider, we understand the importance of staying informed while exploring new destinations. Our team of expert writers, editors, and insiders is dedicated to providing the most current and comprehensive coverage of European travel. From the best places to eat in Paris to hidden gem destinations in Eastern Europe, we’ve got you covered. Our content is specifically designed to engage and inform readers with clear and concise writing that weaves an intricate story while sticking to the facts.

    Accuracy in Reporting

    Whenever we publish an article, we work very hard to ensure that everything we write is accurate and up to date. Whenever we discover that we’ve made an error in any way, we update and correct those mistakes as quickly as possible. Periodically, our team revisits older articles to ensure accuracy. This means we are constantly double-checking our own work to ensure every article features only the most up-to-date information available regarding a destination or attraction.

    Sourcing and Quotations

    We prioritize accuracy and credibility in our content. Our writers and editors diligently research information and verify facts from reliable sources. When quoting individuals or referencing external sources, we ensure proper attribution and credit are given to the original author or publication. By maintaining a high standard of accuracy and transparency, we strive to provide our readers with trustworthy, well-sourced information that enhances their travel experiences and understanding of European destinations.

    Conflicts of Interest

    We are dedicated to maintaining the highest ethical standards and editorial integrity. Our writers and editors are required to disclose any potential conflicts of interest, including personal or financial relationships with travel companies, destinations, or attractions. This ensures that our content remains unbiased and focused solely on providing our readers with accurate, reliable, and trustworthy information. Any potential conflicts of interest will be clearly disclosed within the relevant article or content piece.


    As an international team of travelers, we are committed to celebrating and promoting diversity in both our content and team. We strive to represent a wide range of perspectives, experiences, and backgrounds in our articles and coverage. Our goal is to create an inclusive environment where all readers feel welcome and represented. We actively seek out writers and stories that showcase the rich tapestry of cultures, traditions, and people that make Europe such a vibrant and diverse travel destination.

    Corrections Policy

    Whenever we find we’ve made a mistake or missed anything, we always go back to our articles and make corrections to be accurate and prevent the spread of misinformation. We take accuracy very seriously and strive to make sure our articles are up-to-date whenever we’ve discovered that we’ve made a mistake. An updated timestamp is placed at the top of each article whenever we make changes.

    If you have a correction for an article, it can be submitted to